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Football Clubs

We run after-school football clubs on Wandsworth Common next to the pond on Bolingbroke Grove and also deliver breakfast football clubs within local schools.

These clubs are a mixture of skills development, fun and small sided matches. Our focus is on ensuring children can take enjoyment from their early football experiences. We will provide them with a fun environment to explore the sport and get outdoors.

All after school clubs run from 3:45pm-4:45pm. The charge is £11 – a payment link is sent at the end of every half-term for the amount of sessions your child has attended.


Monday: Honeywell Year 5 & 6 (School Pick Up or Drop Off)

Tuesday: Belleville Reception, Year 1, 2 & 3

Wednesday: Honeywell Year 3 & 4 (School Pick Up or Drop Off)

Thursday: Honeywell Year 1 & Year 2

Friday: Mixed Drop-In


If you are keen for your child to be picked up from Honeywell school for the Monday or Wednesday session, please contact us for further details.